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最近,通过协作推断部署深神经网络(DNN)模型,该推断将预训练的模型分为两个部分,并分别在用户设备(UE)和Edge Server上执行它们,从而变得有吸引力。但是,DNN的大型中间特征会阻碍灵活的脱钩,现有方法要么集中在单个UE方案上,要么只是在考虑所需的CPU周期的情况下定义任务,但忽略了单个DNN层的不可分割性。在本文中,我们研究了多代理协作推理方案,其中单个边缘服务器协调了多个UES的推理。我们的目标是为所有UES实现快速和节能的推断。为了实现这一目标,我们首先设计了一种基于自动编码器的轻型方法,以压缩大型中间功能。然后,我们根据DNN的推理开销定义任务,并将问题作为马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)。最后,我们提出了一种多代理混合近端策略优化(MAHPPO)算法,以解决混合动作空间的优化问题。我们对不同类型的网络进行了广泛的实验,结果表明,我们的方法可以降低56%的推理潜伏期,并节省多达72 \%的能源消耗。
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最近,立体声匹配基准的记录由端到端视差网络不断破碎。但是,这些深层模型的域适应能力非常有限。解决此类问题,我们提出了一种名为ADASTEREO的新型域自适应方法,该方法旨在对准深度立体声匹配网络的多级表示。与以前的方法相比,我们的ADASTEREO实现了更标准,完整有效的域适应管道。首先,我们提出了一种用于输入图像级对准的非对抗渐进颜色传输算法。其次,我们设计一个有效的无参数成本归一化层,用于内部特征级别对齐。最后,提出了一种高效的辅助任务,自我监督的遮挡感知重建以缩小输出空间中的间隙。我们进行密集的消融研究和分解比较,以验证每个提出的模块的有效性。没有额外推断开销,只有略微增加训练复杂性,我们的Adastereo模型在多个基准上实现了最先进的跨领域性能,包括Kitti,Middrbury,Eth3D和驾驶员,甚至优于一些状态 - 与目标域的地面真相Fineetuned的差异网络。此外,基于两个额外的评估指标,从更多的观点进一步揭示了我们域 - 自适应立体声匹配管道的优越性。最后,我们证明我们的方法对各种域适配设置具有强大,并且可以轻松地集成到快速适应应用方案和现实世界部署中。
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Masked image modeling (MIM) performs strongly in pre-training large vision Transformers (ViTs). However, small models that are critical for real-world applications cannot or only marginally benefit from this pre-training approach. In this paper, we explore distillation techniques to transfer the success of large MIM-based pre-trained models to smaller ones. We systematically study different options in the distillation framework, including distilling targets, losses, input, network regularization, sequential distillation, etc, revealing that: 1) Distilling token relations is more effective than CLS token- and feature-based distillation; 2) An intermediate layer of the teacher network as target perform better than that using the last layer when the depth of the student mismatches that of the teacher; 3) Weak regularization is preferred; etc. With these findings, we achieve significant fine-tuning accuracy improvements over the scratch MIM pre-training on ImageNet-1K classification, using all the ViT-Tiny, ViT-Small, and ViT-base models, with +4.2%/+2.4%/+1.4% gains, respectively. Our TinyMIM model of base size achieves 52.2 mIoU in AE20K semantic segmentation, which is +4.1 higher than the MAE baseline. Our TinyMIM model of tiny size achieves 79.6% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K image classification, which sets a new record for small vision models of the same size and computation budget. This strong performance suggests an alternative way for developing small vision Transformer models, that is, by exploring better training methods rather than introducing inductive biases into architectures as in most previous works. Code is available at https://github.com/OliverRensu/TinyMIM.
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Existing automated techniques for software documentation typically attempt to reason between two main sources of information: code and natural language. However, this reasoning process is often complicated by the lexical gap between more abstract natural language and more structured programming languages. One potential bridge for this gap is the Graphical User Interface (GUI), as GUIs inherently encode salient information about underlying program functionality into rich, pixel-based data representations. This paper offers one of the first comprehensive empirical investigations into the connection between GUIs and functional, natural language descriptions of software. First, we collect, analyze, and open source a large dataset of functional GUI descriptions consisting of 45,998 descriptions for 10,204 screenshots from popular Android applications. The descriptions were obtained from human labelers and underwent several quality control mechanisms. To gain insight into the representational potential of GUIs, we investigate the ability of four Neural Image Captioning models to predict natural language descriptions of varying granularity when provided a screenshot as input. We evaluate these models quantitatively, using common machine translation metrics, and qualitatively through a large-scale user study. Finally, we offer learned lessons and a discussion of the potential shown by multimodal models to enhance future techniques for automated software documentation.
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Text clustering and topic extraction are two important tasks in text mining. Usually, these two tasks are performed separately. For topic extraction to facilitate clustering, we can first project texts into a topic space and then perform a clustering algorithm to obtain clusters. To promote topic extraction by clustering, we can first obtain clusters with a clustering algorithm and then extract cluster-specific topics. However, this naive strategy ignores the fact that text clustering and topic extraction are strongly correlated and follow a chicken-and-egg relationship. Performing them separately fails to make them mutually benefit each other to achieve the best overall performance. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised text clustering and topic extraction framework (ClusTop) which integrates text clustering and topic extraction into a unified framework and can achieve high-quality clustering result and extract topics from each cluster simultaneously. Our framework includes four components: enhanced language model training, dimensionality reduction, clustering and topic extraction, where the enhanced language model can be viewed as a bridge between clustering and topic extraction. On one hand, it provides text embeddings with a strong cluster structure which facilitates effective text clustering; on the other hand, it pays high attention on the topic related words for topic extraction because of its self-attention architecture. Moreover, the training of enhanced language model is unsupervised. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and provide benchmarks for different model combinations in this framework.
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Cognitive Computing (COC) aims to build highly cognitive machines with low computational resources that respond in real-time. However, scholarly literature shows varying research areas and various interpretations of COC. This calls for a cohesive architecture that delineates the nature of COC. We argue that if Herbert Simon considered the design science is the science of artificial, cognitive systems are the products of cognitive science or 'the newest science of the artificial'. Therefore, building a conceptual basis for COC is an essential step into prospective cognitive computing-based systems. This paper proposes an architecture of COC through analyzing the literature on COC using a myriad of statistical analysis methods. Then, we compare the statistical analysis results with previous qualitative analysis results to confirm our findings. The study also comprehensively surveys the recent research on COC to identify the state of the art and connect the advances in varied research disciplines in COC. The study found that there are three underlaying computing paradigms, Von-Neuman, Neuromorphic Engineering and Quantum Computing, that comprehensively complement the structure of cognitive computation. The research discuss possible applications and open research directions under the COC umbrella.
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Reading comprehension of legal text can be a particularly challenging task due to the length and complexity of legal clauses and a shortage of expert-annotated datasets. To address this challenge, we introduce the Merger Agreement Understanding Dataset (MAUD), an expert-annotated reading comprehension dataset based on the American Bar Association's 2021 Public Target Deal Points Study, with over 39,000 examples and over 47,000 total annotations. Our fine-tuned Transformer baselines show promising results, with models performing well above random on most questions. However, on a large subset of questions, there is still room for significant improvement. As the only expert-annotated merger agreement dataset, MAUD is valuable as a benchmark for both the legal profession and the NLP community.
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Robotic teleoperation is a key technology for a wide variety of applications. It allows sending robots instead of humans in remote, possibly dangerous locations while still using the human brain with its enormous knowledge and creativity, especially for solving unexpected problems. A main challenge in teleoperation consists of providing enough feedback to the human operator for situation awareness and thus create full immersion, as well as offering the operator suitable control interfaces to achieve efficient and robust task fulfillment. We present a bimanual telemanipulation system consisting of an anthropomorphic avatar robot and an operator station providing force and haptic feedback to the human operator. The avatar arms are controlled in Cartesian space with a direct mapping of the operator movements. The measured forces and torques on the avatar side are haptically displayed to the operator. We developed a predictive avatar model for limit avoidance which runs on the operator side, ensuring low latency. The system was successfully evaluated during the ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition semifinals. In addition, we performed in lab experiments and carried out a small user study with mostly untrained operators.
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Compared to regular cameras, Dynamic Vision Sensors or Event Cameras can output compact visual data based on a change in the intensity in each pixel location asynchronously. In this paper, we study the application of current image-based SLAM techniques to these novel sensors. To this end, the information in adaptively selected event windows is processed to form motion-compensated images. These images are then used to reconstruct the scene and estimate the 6-DOF pose of the camera. We also propose an inertial version of the event-only pipeline to assess its capabilities. We compare the results of different configurations of the proposed algorithm against the ground truth for sequences of two publicly available event datasets. We also compare the results of the proposed event-inertial pipeline with the state-of-the-art and show it can produce comparable or more accurate results provided the map estimate is reliable.
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